An Ink Stained Life with Dr. Lloyd Sederer - Episode 51

There is hope to achieve what we all want. A life with relationships, work that expresses our inner passion, and a life that leaves an indelible 'ink-stained' contribution. In this episode, Dr. Graham Taylor is joined by Dr. Lloyd Sederer, Mental Health Commissioner, adjunct professor, and author of a new book, “Ink-Stained for Life”, a collection of stories each matched by an essay connecting the story to today. The book takes you on a journey covering his development as a youth, gratitude, and a life of purpose and contribution. The stories in the novel demonstrate that when we come into people’s lives, we do leave an indelible mark, it can be a contribution that changes them forever.


For more information about the novel Ink-Stained for Life, visit:

For more information about Dr. Lloyd Sederer, visit:

For more information about the other books Dr. Sederer has authored, visit:

For more information about the National Alliance on Mental Illness, visit:

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