Anniversary Special: Recognizing Bias and Promoting Equity with Ami Roeschlein & Terence Fitzgerald – Episode 143

In celebration of our second anniversary, we’re releasing the first of two new episodes this week. In this episode, Dr. Graham Taylor is joined by Ami Roeschlein and Terence Fitzgerald. Amy is a licensed marriage and family therapist and consultant for the national council for mental wellbeing. She has over 25 years of experience training providers, leading healthcare teams, designing innovative behavioral health programs, and using implementation science to create change equality and social justice within organizations, cities, and states. Terence has a racial scholar and Clinical Associate Professor of Social Work at the University of Southern California. Terrence has experience spanning from education as a School Social Worker to social justice grassroots organizations, focusing on marginalized, children and families, and professional experience aligning the curriculum of midwest school districts for the purpose of meeting state and federal requirements. His research on racism and sexism can be seen in his books, White Prescription: the Dangerous Social Potential for Ritalin and Other Psychotropic Drugs to Harm Black Males and his most recent book, Black Males and Racism: Improving the Schooling and Life Chances of African-Americans. Together, Graham, Ami, and Terence discuss the programs that have impacted communities toward greater equity, the importance of cultivating cultures and creating an environment to identify bias and overcome bias collectively in teams, and the positive outcomes from addressing biases toward greater equity.


For more information about the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, please visit:

For more information about National Council Racial and Equity Resource Page, please visit:

For more information about the NeuroLeadership Institute, please visit:

For more information about Learning for Justice, please visit:

For more information on The Reality of Diversity, Gender, and Skin Color by Kimberly Finney and Terence Fitzgerald, please visit:

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