“I was born with a bipolar brain, and that I lived on the bipolar spectrum pretty much my whole life.”- Gregg Martin. In this episode, Sharlee Dixon speaks with retired Major General Gregg Martin. Gregg Martin, PhD, is a retired major general and a 36-year Army combat veteran, celebrated for his remarkable career commanding engineer units and holding prestigious roles such as president of the National Defense University, and commander of Fort Leonard Wood. Gregg is an accomplished author, his book Bipolar General: My Forever War with Mental Illness, candidly shares his journey. With advanced degrees from MIT, the Naval War College, and the Army War College, Gregg’s indomitable spirit offers hope and inspiration to others. We’re excited to have Gregg with us today to discuss Bipolar Disorder, his book The Bipolar General: My Forever War with Mental Illness and his experiences with his Bipolar diagnosis.
For more information about Bipolar General: My Forever War with Mental Illness please visit:
https://www.amazon.com/Bipolar-General-Forever-Illness-Association/dp/1682479188For more information about Major General Gregg Martin, please visit:
https://www.generalgreggmartin.com/For more information about Grit Hope, please visit:
https://grithope.com/For more information about BiAffect, please visit:
https://www.biaffect.com/Give Behavioral Health Today 5 stars on Apple Podcasts and help us grow our community!