Clinicians Series: Affirming Care with Steven Haden, MSW – Episode 195

Envision: You offers programs for parents, caregivers, and clinicians that tailors content to create identity-affirming and culturally relevant care. Their programs aim to co-create healing spaces that validate identity and help to understand different experiences. In this episode, Dr. Graham Taylor speaks with Steven Haden, MSW. Steven is the CEO and Co-Founder to Envision: You, a non-profit that works to improve the behavioral health outcomes of the LGBTQ+ community by addressing the disparity in the care they receive. Steven is a Certified LGBTQ+ Affirming therapist, Mental Health First Aid Instructor, and public speaker on issues related to behavioral health concerns from the perspective of lived experience. Through Envision: You, Steven has helped lead an initiative to implement a multi-media public awareness campaign and no-cost virtual behavioral telehealth services to increase access to LGBTQ+ affirming care. Together Graham and Steven discuss the various programs of Envision: You: How to Have the Talk, Q is for Questioning, Finding Hope, IDEA Initiative, the Mental Health Action Toolkit, and the Affirming Care course. They also discuss updates on the You: Flourish app, currently in development. Envision: You is working every day to help create communities that are safer and more welcoming to members of the LGBTQ+ community. There is hope and there are people that care about you members of the community.


For more information about Envision: You, please visit:

For more information about the You: Flourish app, please visit:

If you’re looking to initiate conversation and learn how to have “the talk”, please visit:

For more information about Q is for Questioning, please visit:

For more information about Affirming Care and training, please visit:

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