Clinicians Series: Leadership Development with Dr. Richard Winters – Episode 232

Today’s episode is part of our clinicians’ series, where we provide a more practice, more hands-on experiential understanding of the application of various techniques, strategies, and constructs to help appreciate the dynamics that take place and the process of change that can be transformative. In this episode, Dr. Graham Taylor speaks with Dr. Richard Winters. Richard is a practicing emergency physician and an executive coach at Mayo Clinic. He is also the director of Leadership Development for the Mayo Clinical Care Network, where he facilitates retreats and delivers programs that train leaders at healthcare organizations worldwide. Richard has authored the recently published Wall Street Journal bestselling book You’re the Leader Now What? Leadership Lessons from Mayo Clinic. Together Graham and Richard discuss imposter syndrome most leaders experience, the importance of self-awareness, authenticity, approaching one-on-one conversations, developing a shared reality, and the concept of the five hats of leaders: teacher, mentor, coach, supervisor, and sponsor. The individuals who step up and lead are the individuals that are going help us make the world a better place. And I think each of us are exactly the right people to do.


For more information about Dr. Richard Winters, please visit:

For more information about You’re the Leader Now What? Leadership Lessons from Mayo Clinic by Richard Winters M.D, please visit:

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