Clinicians Series: Treating Sex Addiction - Episode 70

This episode is part of our clinician series, we're going to be taking you behind the proverbial therapy door, giving you a more, in-depth look at compulsive sexual behavior disorder and what patients experience. Dr. Graham Taylor is joined by Dr. Stefanie Carnes. Stefanie is the president of the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals and a senior fellow for Meadows Behavioral Healthcare. In their time together they discuss the stigma and misunderstanding of sex addiction, trends in trauma history and its impacts with healthy intimacy, and the importance of group and family therapy in the healing process. There is hope in this treatment and people come out the other end to experience healthy sexual relationships, both for themselves and with their partner.


For more information about International Institute for Trauma & Addiction Professionals, please visit:

For more information about Sex Help and information about sex addiction, please visit:

For more information about books on sex addiction, please visit Gentle Path at the Meadows at

For residential treatment or more information about Meadows Behavioral Health, please visit:

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