Creating Access to LGBTQ+ Affirming Care with Steven Haden, MSW – Episode 177

Ideally, when we're struggling, we get to stop and pause and ask ourselves, or be asked by someone, what if it could look differently? And when people ask those questions of themselves, Envision: You is right there, ready for them to come into, and to be walked through, some of these things in a way that can be very therapeutic and healing. In this episode, Dr. Graham Taylor speaks with Steven Haden, MSW. Steven is the CEO and Co-Founder to Envision: You, a non-profit that works to improve the behavioral health outcomes of the LGBTQ+ community by addressing the disparity in the care they receive. Steven is a Certified LGBTQ+ Affirming therapist, Mental Health First Aid Instructor, and public speaker on issues related to behavioral health concerns from the perspective of lived experience. Through Envision: You, Steven has helped lead an initiative to implement a multi-media public awareness campaign and no-cost virtual behavioral telehealth services to increase access to LGBTQ+ affirming care. Together they discuss the gaps in care around the LGBTQ+ community as well as the higher need for services, we discussed the importance of affirming care and the benefits of a healing place, and finally, the programs offered by Envision: You and developing the phone app YOU: Flourish, that brings together community and mental health resources to create an authentic experience specifically for the LGBTQ+ community. Envision: You are holding that hope and possibility for folks that recovery is possible, and a better day is ahead.


For more information about Envision: YOU, please visit:

For more information about the YOU: Flourish app, please visit:

If you’re looking to initiate conversation and learn how to have “the talk”, please visit:

For more information about Q is for Questioning, please visit:

For more information about Affirming Care and training, please visit:

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