Devotion & Strengthening Wellness Through Fitness with Ben Smith – Episode 263

Devotion is life giving. It creates momentum. Dedication to this practice, that by having focus of the things you want and by executing now, your ideal future self will be better off. In this episode, Dr. Graham Taylor speaks with Ben Smith. Ben Smith is a fitness and nutrition coach, entrepreneur, Army Veteran, and mental health advocate based in Los Angeles. With more than a decade working in health and fitness, he has led programming at respected strength training gyms in LA, developed online training for high performing individuals all over the world, and currently travels the globe as performance coach for clients in the music industry. Ben leverages his platform to promote holistic mind body wellness by candidly sharing his own experience along the way. We’re excited to have Ben with us to discuss devotion, momentum, and strengthening wellness through fitness and movement. Movement begets momentum, and momentum beats motivation every time.


For more information about Ben Smith and his training app Train With Ben, please visit:

To connect with Ben on Instagram @benveesmith, or visit:

For all other links, please visit Ben’s Linktree at:

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