When you appreciate money coming in and going out, you start this cycle of appreciation energy, and this energy really boosts your life. Ken is a money and happiness expert and is Japan’s best-selling zen millionaire. Ken studied law at Waseda University in Tokyo and entered the Japanese workforce as a business consultant and investor. Ken was 29 when he first “retired” to welcome his newborn daughter in the world. At the time, he thought he was “done” with work, owning a successful consulting and accounting business. Ken’s second career helping millions heal their relationship with money was about to begin. Ken is the author of the book “Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money.” While his financial expertise comes from owning and managing several businesses, Ken’s writing bridges the topics of finance and self-help, focusing on creating and generating personal wealth and happiness through deeper self-honesty. Ken provides ongoing support through mentoring programs, business seminars, therapeutic workshops, and correspondence courses. He is fluent in both English and Japanese and resides in Tokyo, Japan.
For more information about Ken Honda, please visit:
https://kenhonda.com/For more information about Happy Monday: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money by Ken Honda, please visit:
https://kenhonda.com/book/For more information about transformative courses with Ken Honda, please visit:
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