Part 1: Breath is the Next Level of Wellness with Todd Steinberg, Vanessa Steinberg, & Daniel Epstein, LPC – Episode 224

“Our message is simply breathe better more often.” In this episode, Dr. Graham Taylor speaks with Todd Steinberg, Vanessa Steinberg, and Daniel Epstein from Komuso Design and their necklace device The Shift. Komuso Design was created in 2017 with the simple intention of providing people with a new tool to access peace of mind. Their mission is to become the architect of fashion wellness and transform lives in the process. Todd is the president of Komuso Design. Having previous experience in the chaotic student travel industry helped him develop a unique skill set of mindful meditation, which then led to a collaboration to create Komuso Design. Vanessa is an award-winning bilingual fashion designer and Komuso cofounder. Vanessa has over a decade of experience in both fashion and entrepreneurial industries. Daniel is a licensed Psychotherapist and Komuso co-founder. Daniel has over a decade of experience in crisis intervention, young-adult mental health, and addiction treatment. Together Todd, Vanessa, and Daniel discuss the design, benefits, and success they’ve had with their breathing device, The Shift.


For more information about Komuso Design, please visit:

To contact Todd Steinberg, please email:

To contact Vanessa Steinberg, please email:

Finally, for more information about Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nester, please visit:

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