Part 1: The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) with Sarah Marikos, MPH – Episode 235

We are the sum total of our past experiences. The season of childhood is a particularly vulnerable time, and what happens to us between the ages of birth to 18 has long and deep consequences in who we become. The reality is that children face adversity regardless of our best efforts to protect them and things happen that are often outside of our control. Adverse childhood experiences, referred to as ACEs, describe traumatic experiences that can have lasting effects into adulthood. Learning about one's ACEs can equip us to better care for our children as well as inform us to care for adults with ACEs. In this episode, Dr. Graham Taylor speaks with Sarah Marikos, MPH. Sarah is an epidemiologist with a background in public health. As the Executive Director of ACE Resource Network, Sarah led the launch of, the first national public awareness and education campaign on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), childhood trauma, and toxic stress that can increase the risk for poor health outcomes and educational challenges. Sarah has a Master’s in public health in epidemiology from San Diego State University; two Bachelor’s degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies and Geography from UC Berkeley; and was a Human Impact Partners’ Health Equity Fellow.


For more information about and exploring your ACEs number, please visit:

For more information about healing and prevention, please visit:

For more information about the ACE Resource Network, please visit:

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