This episode resumes the conversation with Dr. Graham Taylor and Dr. Stefanie Carnes. In our last episode, we discuss the impact of betrayal trauma on a relationship, the responses to these foundational ruptures that take place that include emotional dysregulation, attachment ambivalence, shame, and fear that are caused by the betrayal, and the opportunities to repair the attachment disruption. We'll resume our talk today by discussing the expression of pain and the opportunities for a relationship to have a chance to heal and grow.
For more information about Courageous Love: A Guide to Conquering Betrayal by Dr, Stefanie Carnes, please visit: visit the Amazon Store at: therapists looking for more training in sexual behavior, please visit:
https://iitap.comIf you’re looking for more resources for treatment centers and therapists for sexual behavior, please visit:
https://sexhelp.comFinally, if you’re looking for residential treatment for problematic sex and relationship issues, please visit:
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