Psychopathology and the Study of Violent Crime with Dr. Gary Brucato – Episode 88

It’s important to understand that the reason we must go to these dark places, such as violent crime, is in the interest of prevention of future crime. In this episode, Dr. Graham Taylor is joined today by Dr. Gary Burcato, clinical psychologist, researcher, and author in the areas of violence, early psychosis, and other serious psychopathology. Gary is also the writer of The New Evil: Understanding the Emergence and Modern Violent Crime co-authored by Dr.Michael Stone. Together Graham and Gary define what evil is, understanding the horror attached to violent acts, and understand the psychological implications of what they're doing, and what's driving it. Gary talks about the development of the 22 Category Scale of Evil that looks at the factors in a person’s life as a spectrum to better understand the behavior behind the acts of violence and how this scale is being used in assisting with the capture and prevention of future violent crimes. And finally, they discuss the trends in violent crime and the reasons behind the shift from serial killings to mass murder.


For information about Dr. Gary Burcato’s book with Dr. Michael Stone, The New Evil: Understanding the Emergence and Modern Violent Crime, please visit:

For more information about The Anatomy of Evil, written by Dr. Michael Stone, please visit:

For more information about The Anatomy of Motive, written by John E. Douglas and Mark Olshaker, please visit:

For more information about Sexual Homicide: Patterns and Motives by Dr. Ann Burgess, John Douglas, and Robert Ressler, please visit:

And finally, for more information about The Mask of Sanity: An Attempt to Clarify Some Issues About the So-Called Psychopathic Personality by Hervey Cleckley, please visit:

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