Reviving Minds: Innovative Approaches to Alzheimer's & Cognitive Health with Dr. Heather Sandison– Episode 312

By addressing six key factors—toxins, nutrients, stressors, structure, infections, and signaling—we can significantly improve brain health and manage Alzheimer's more effectively. In this episode, Dr. Graham Taylor speaks with Dr. Heather Sandison. Heather is a naturopathic doctor renowned for her groundbreaking work in dementia care. As the primary clinical investigator and author of a peer-reviewed article published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, she has demonstrated her commitment to advancing the understanding and treatment of cognitive decline. Dr. Sandison is the founder of Solcere Health Clinic and Marama, pioneering facilities focused on optimizing cognitive function and reversing dementia. Additionally, she hosts the annual Reverse Alzheimer's summit and is set to publish her book, "Reversing Alzheimer's," aiming to empower individuals to maintain sharp brain health at any age. We’re excited to have Heather with us today to discuss brain health protection and a new toolkit to reversing Alzheimer’s. Labs we typically run as a cognoscopy: 1. MOCA & EEG 2. Full Male or Female Panel with ApoE status 4. Real Time Mycotoxins with glutathione provocation 5. Quicksilver Heavy Metals & Mercury Tri Test 6. Real Time Environmental Pollutant and Glyphosate 7. Genova NutraEval 8. Cyrex Array 12 9. GI Maps 10. Lab Corp ptau - LabCorp Order Code 483745 11. Walsh nutrient testing and Urine Kryptopyrroles 12. ASI 13. Volumetric Imaging - MRI w/o contrast w/ NeuroQuant 14. HSV1, HSV2- Labcorp #164099 15. Cytokine panel 16. Neurotransmitter testing


For more information about Reversing Alzheimer's: The New Toolkit to Improve Cognition and Protect Brain Health by Dr. Heather Sandison, please visit:

For more information about Dr. Heather Sandison, please visit:

For more information about Kirtan Kriya Meditation, please watch:

For more information about Marama Memory Care, please visit:

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