Social Justice Leadership with Tamanna Patel, MPH – Episode 157

The Social Justice Leadership Academy was created to help individuals really understand the impact of injustices and see the inequities and really how complex systemic racism really is. In today’s episode, Dr. Erin Elmore speaks with Tamanna Patel. Tamanna is the Director of Practice Improvement at the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. Tamanna has experience coaching communities in applying adaptive strategies with a focus on building relationships and trust, capacity-building opportunities, and long-term sustainability. Her particular interest includes addressing health equity and social determinants of health in rural communities. Together they discuss advancing social justice to advance mental wellbeing, effecting change on multiple levels: interpersonal, intrapersonal, organizational, communal, and systemic levels, and recommendations on how people can start their reflection on biases to be a leader in social justice reform. This begins with inner reflection and slowly getting to the awareness of what you can do within your sphere of control and create change.


For more information about the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, please visit:

For more information about The Social Justice Leadership Academy, a free 12-month virtual series, please visit:

For more information about upcoming Social Justice Leadership Academy Events, please visit:

For more information about White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo, please visit:

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