The Challenges of Access & Effectiveness of Treatment with Linda Rosenberg, MSW – Episode 262

Currently, there is more opportunity for practitioners and more interest from the public. So now the question is, can we get care for the people that want it, and is the care delivered effective? In this episode, Dr. Graham Taylor speaks with Linda Rosenberg, MSW. Linda is on the faculty of Columbia University’s Department of Psychiatry where she focuses on public and private sector partnerships that elevate, expand, and refine mental health and addictions care. Prior to joining Columbia, Linda was President and CEO of the National Council for Behavioral Health from 2004 until 2019. Under her leadership the National Council became the nation’s largest mental health and addiction education and advocacy association with 3300 plus member organizations serving over 10 million Americans. Linda was New York State’s Senior Deputy Commission for Mental Health until 2004, and during her tenure, she opened New York’s first Mental Health Court. In addition to serving on Columbia’s faculty, Linda consults with nonprofits, foundations, and private sector companies on the design and delivery of mental health and addiction services. We’re excited to have Linda with us to discuss the challenges of access to services and effectiveness of treatment.


For more information about Certified Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs), please visit:

To learn more about the Columbia Psychiatry program ENGAGE, please visit:

To contact Linda regarding the ENGAGE program, please email:

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