The World’s Most Comprehensive Mental Health eLearning Platform with Dr. Whitley Lassen – Episode 76

Psych Hub is the world’s most comprehensive online platform for mental health, substance use and suicide prevention education. In this episode Dr. Graham Taylor speaks with Dr. Whitley Lassen. Whitley is the clinical director at Psych Hub, where she is responsible for the development and production of their content and e-learning solutions. Together they examine all that Psych Hub has to offer including their engaging learning hub, YouTube channel, resources for the general public, mental health communication guide, and other various initiatives. Psych Hub’s mission is the teach mental health providers the most effective skills possible to be better equipped to treat their clients and focus on educating the public to create more mental health literacy to decreasing stigma so that people can feel comfortable getting the help.


For more information about Psych Hub, please visit:

For more information about Psych Hub’s YouTube channel, please visit:

For more information about The Communication Guide, please visit:

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