Trauma-Sensitive Yoga with Nicole Nakamura, PsyD. – Episode 108

New research is demonstrating that traumas can be transformed by having physical experiences, that directly address feelings of helplessness, rage, and fear and help with regaining self-mastery over one's life. One such therapeutic physical experience is trauma-sensitive yoga, and it is evidencing the ability to alleviate PTSD by creating connections between the body and the mind. In today’s episode, Dr. Graham Taylor is joined by Dr. Nicole Nakamua a licensed psychologist, trauma-informed therapist, and certified facilitator in trauma-sensitive yoga. Together they discuss processing traumas in our bodies, the process of trauma-sensitive yoga, and how you can pair this with therapy. Trauma-sensitive yoga provides us this opportunity to look internally to see how our bodies are reacting to emotions and familiarize ourselves with areas of the body and signs of safety internally. Another piece of trauma-sensitive yoga is decision-making and embodying the perspective that you don’t have to be one shape. This is a safe space to feel our bodies and participate in ways that feel most comfortable to us and provides an opportunity to introduce your nervous system to something different.


For more information about the Trauma Center for Trauma Sensitive Yoga, please visit:

For more information about Nicole Nakamura and her private practice, please visit:

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